Whether you are just getting back into dating or struggling with your partner, it can be difficult to know how and when to initiate sex. Sex with another person is always complicated – it needs to have many elements to be successful. They are confidence, consent, coordination, direction, vulnerability, and more.
Sexual encounters are a 2-way thing and they require communication, empathy and consent. While you don’t need to always have a great sex encounter, initiating sex can be a strong move. Therefore, we have some tips for you focused on initiating sex. Let’s start.
If you’re looking for just a hookup – be clear on that. If you are looking for a long-term relationship – be clear on that. If you want things to be just casual –the other one should know. What we are saying here is that, whatever are your intentions, be clear on that with your partner.
If you’re asking someone out in person, make your intentions clear and don’t overthink. Initiating early can also show some confidence which is incredibly sexy all the time.
Playing a big part in attraction, flirting can not only help you build a rapport with your partner but also help with arousal and initiating sex. Also, not everyone is aroused in the same way.
For someone, physical touching might work while for some, kindness and emotions can do the trick. Also, you should always try different things to work out what works best on the good side. If not sure – make sure they’re ok with the flirting by asking them playfully.
When it is the time to get into some physical act – do not be afraid to make sure that you’re clear on the boundaries. Some people are afraid to ask even the simplest questions such as “can I kiss you?”
The first step in the journey of consent is to understand what it is and what it looks like. Your partner should clearly know that you’re ready and so should you. Remember to never leave this thing behind.
Even if both of you have consented to sex early on, it is not the end. You can still find a lot to talk about sex. Try to open up the definition of sex – it doesn’t have to be penis-in-vagina intercourse only. This will allow you and your partner to broadly focus on acts you both can enjoy. It will also lead to a more adventurous hookup. Let each other know what you want to do and what not.
Another way to enhance your sexual encounter experience is to go for sex toys for couple. Couple vibrators along with more couple sex toys can be a great way to start as well. At Adultskart, we not only offer the finest sex toys but also take care of your privacy concerns. For more questions, you can always contact us. We’ll be glad to assist.